A couple of weeks ago, I worked with a young man who will be graduating from Eagan High School this year. His mom was basically 'forcing' him to do senior photos so that she had something to commemorate his senior year, as strange as this year is. He was NOT excited - his eyes practically bugged out of his head when we were discussing his session ahead of time, and I mentioned khakis or jeans. "Wear what makes you comfortable for part of it, and then pick something for your mom" I said. He reluctantly agreed that I was right (moms are always right).
We met up at St Kate's in St Paul, where his older sister had her senior pics, and all of their family photos have been taken since the kids were little. I had never shot there before, and not only did I love that we were keeping their little family tradition, it was a GORGEOUS spot! He came with his dad, and his older sister who is currently attending St Kate's met up with us to play 'stylist' for him. We took a few shots, walked around a bit, and the kids goofed around. After about 20 minutes his dad said "Have you had enough? We can stop if you want" and he said "It's okay... it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be." I will take that as a compliment from a 17 year old boy. :)
We finished up, and I have to say, I absolutely love how the photos turned out. He dressed up for his mom, all the way down to snazzy polka dot socks, and we also managed to sneak a shot in with his dog. The great news is he didn't suffer too much, and his mom will have some gorgeous photos to commemorate all of his hard work before he's off to college and out of the house.